AIDA Offers New Routes Around Africa in Winter 2025/26

AIDA has announced that new cruises around Africa with the AIDAstella and AIDAprima can now be booked for the 2025/26 winter season.

Cruises include a two-week sailing from Cape Town to Tenerife, and the 57-day globetrotter trip from Hamburg via South Africa and Mauritius to the Orient.

The company said in a press release that the AIDAstella and AIDAprima will set off for their winter cruising areas next fall.

For the AIDAstella, Cape Town in South Africa is the destination and then the starting point for numerous trips along the southeast coast of Africa, as well as to the islands of Mauritius, Seychelles and Madagascar.

The AIDAprima will set sail from Hamburg on Oct. 3, 2025, heading for Asia. On the way there, the ship will transit the Cape of Good Hope.

In spring 2026, both cruise ships will be moving to the trans-voyages to Antalya, Mallorca, or the Canary Islands. The Namib Desert, Lion’s Head and the South African savannah will be featured on each trip.
