
GOOD WINDS and NSB Group provide jobs in maritime field for Constanta people

GOOD WINDS Marine Services Compania in partnership with NSB Crewing Solutions and Asia Marine Philippines, members of NSB Group, a group of companies worldwide known in maritime field have come to Constanta in order to introduce us the actual environment of workforce in maritime field, the work in this branch at the international level, the most wanted jobs as well as the Romanians chances to get them. The subjects approached within the event were the evolution and opportunities of the maritime labor force on the international market. The managers of the companies stated that their purpose was to create as much as possible jobs, including jobs for young people who had more and more difficulties in finding a job.

Who are the seafarers with the biggest chances for a job

Seafarers, especially those at the start up, have often complained about months and months without voyages. Even in the last years the situation is the same. Once with the economic crisis and thus, fewer orders, the shipowners reduced their fleets and started to pay more attention on financial efficiency, applied on ships too. The Romanian seafarers should adapt to international requirements – mention the field analysts, who also consider that the biggest chances for a job on international maritime field go to seafarers specialized in the new technologies in maritime industry.

The economic crisis is experienced also by the seafarers

The crewing companies face a lot of difficulties due to the decrease of the orders, and that is why the shipowners reduced their fleets and the number of employees. The Romanian seafarers have international competition, and more over than the technical abilities which they have to update, they also compete with the cheap labour force from Asia.

Which are the chances of employment for Romanian seafarers

“Development and Opportunities for Romanian Labor Market on International Maritime Market” was the theme of the conference held in Constanta by worldwide top managers. “The most hunted jobs in the branch are for officers, especially chief engineers” – says Vladimir Reghintovschi, the managing director of GOOD WINDS Marine Services.

Crewing agency for maritime labor force: The most wanted jobs are for chief engineer position, there is a lack of qualified personnel

The most wanted jobs are for chief officer position, since there is a lack of qualified personnel for this position, stated the representative of a crewing agency for maritime workforce from Constanta.

The managing director of GOOD WINDS Maritime Services, Vladimir Reghintovschi, stated on Thursday, in a press conference held in Mamaia, that there is a big request of work force on international maritime labor market and the most wanted position if for chief officer.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the GOOD WINDS Marine Services office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

In 2014 I had the chance to be interviewed by one of the Messrs. Goodwinds team professionals, quickly realizing the opportunity to be a part of a great Company with real perspective and comprehensive understanding of daily market changes, that provided me with all necessary assistance for career development and eventual job finding in real time. Really grateful to take the chance and write down this testimonial for Messrs. Goodwinds, a team of professionals that I will recommend to anyone interested in such opportunities as mentioned above and anybody in need of a trustworthy and professional business partner in Maritime Management and Crewing today or in the future.

Hoza Alin Laurentiu
Master, NSB Group

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