In December 2016 GOOD WINDS Marine Services together with NSB Group, one of our principal clients, organized in Constanta a conference for Romanian Maritime Officers who sail on board the ships managed by NSB Group.
The main topics of the conference were:
- a brief analyse of the year 2016 and the major impact of these conferences all over the world;
- Awareness – Examples, Experiences & Exercises;
- cargo operations, bunkering and voyage planning;
- ECDIS and MAC awareness;
- safety and insurance;
- filters, engine and technical equipment performance;
- spare parts purchase procedures.
The conference was opened by Mr Frank Uwe Schneider – Vice President HR Sea NSB Group together with Mr Vladimir Reghintovschi – Managing Director GOOD WINDS. According to the topics approached, we had amongst us the Fleet Manager – Mr Marcus Cordes; the Crew Planner – Mrs Camel Noman; the Head of Quality Department (DPA&CSO) – Mr Guido Kraemer; the Training Manager – Mrs Livia Rauca; the Head of Insurance – Mrs Susanne Hauschildt; the Head of Supply Chain Services – Mr Christian Sinz and the Assistant Corporate Communications – Mr Dominique Kreuzcam.
NSB Conference
The Romanian officers had the opportunity to deepen the knowledge over the topics and also to approach directly the managers from NSB Group head office on various subjects. They talked about how to perform and sustain best evaluations, about promotions on board; they analysed together which are the best solutions to shorted the spare parts order-delivery process; they performed online specific trainings; they had one to one interviews.
Christmas Party
The conference ended with a festive dinner around the Christmas tree, where everybody had a “magic winter” time, with music, dancing and sailor’s stories.
Thank you all for participating to this conference!