Consent on the Processing of Personal Data

Consent on the Processing of Personal Data

On May 25, 2018, the personal data protection law changes as to how companies record, store, and use personal data.

Currently, the Personal Data Protection Act covers how it is managed, as set out in the new Privacy Policy, hereafter referred to as the GDPR, which will govern and regulate European and global operations related to personal data, so we need to change some of our working practices.

As a company involved in recruitment, placement and management of working force, GOOD WINDS Marine Services SRL collects and preserves your personal data in order to enable us to process them in order to obtain a job.

The new GDPR regulation places an additional (and new) obligation on employers, to inform candidates about the jobs they offer, more detailed and why we collect your data, what we do with them and how long we keep them. Complete details can be found in the Personal Data Processing Policy, available at the company’s headquarters and posted on the website, which you should carefully follow.

Acord Privind Prelucrarea Datelor cu Caracter Personal

În 25 Mai 2018, legea de protectie a datelor personale se schimbă cu privire la modul în care companiile înregistrează, stochează și utilizează datele personale .

În prezent, actul de protecție a datelor cu character personal,  acoperă  modul în care este gestionat acest lucru, asa cum prevede noul  Regulament de Protectie a  Datelor Personale,  numit in continuare GDPR,  care va guverna si reglementa la nivel European si global  operatiunile referitoare la date cu character personal, in consecinta  înseamnă că trebuie să schimbăm unele dintre practicile noastre de lucru.

În calitate noastra de companie implicata in activitati de recrutare, plasare si management al fortei de munca, GOOD WINDS Marine Services SRL colecteaza si pastreaza datele dvs. personale pentru a ne permite să le procesăm in vederea obtinerii unui loc de munca.

Noul regulament ,GDPR, plasează o obligație suplimentară (și nouă) pentru angajatori, de a informa candidatii la locurile de munca  oferite ,  mai detaliat si de ce colectăm datele dvs., ce facem cu ele și cât timp le păstrăm. Detalii complete le gasiti in Politica de prelucrare a datelor cu caracter personal, disponibila la sediul companiei si postata pe website, pe care va rugam sa o parcurgeti cu atentie.

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How can we help you?

Contact us at the GOOD WINDS Marine Services office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

In 2014 I had the chance to be interviewed by one of the Messrs. Goodwinds team professionals, quickly realizing the opportunity to be a part of a great Company with real perspective and comprehensive understanding of daily market changes, that provided me with all necessary assistance for career development and eventual job finding in real time. Really grateful to take the chance and write down this testimonial for Messrs. Goodwinds, a team of professionals that I will recommend to anyone interested in such opportunities as mentioned above and anybody in need of a trustworthy and professional business partner in Maritime Management and Crewing today or in the future.

Hoza Alin Laurentiu
Master, NSB Group

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